Customer References
- Azhar tunnel video surveillance and control systems upgrade and replacement of main parts with latest technology and latest SIEMENS SCADA software. The project also includes the control room renovation and implementation of a new video wall and conversion to IP video streaming and video content analysis. We also implemented a system for detecting vehicles at entries and exits and detection and recording of license plates.
- Sharm El Sheikh Security checkpoint with number plate recognition and connectivity to licensing database to display the license information of each passing vehicle in real time. This query would also show if any security reports are recorded for the same vehicle before.
- Suez traffic video surveillance and traffic management system including 5 intersection control systems with Red light violation solution, 30 surveillance cameras, 12 speed radars on highways. The system is connected over a large broadband wireless network and the control room features the latest technology LED displays using 12 large screens videowall.
- AUC parking management system for the New Cairo University campus. The system is using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras to detect member cars without using ay wireless RFID tags. The system opens automatically the electronic barrier or print a ticket for non-members.
- Cairo traffic Red light violation system at Nasr road
- Red Sea Governorate intersection controllers and red light violation system at intersections in Hurghada city.
- Here are some more references:
Matrouh Traffic dept Street video surveillance and control room
Kafr El Sheikh Traffic dept Street video surveillance
Beheira (Damanhour) Street video surveillance
Dakahlia (Mansoura) Street video surveillance
Red Sea (Hurghada) Street video surveillance, Intersection management, Red light violation
Suez Street video surveillance, Intersection management, Red light violation
Suez speed enforcement and boundary control
Sharkia (Zagazig) Street video surveillance, Intersection management, Red light violation
Cairo ring road Traffic statistics, Speed violation, lane restriction violation
Azhar Park Ticketing system

Designed and implemented by Open Minds CIT in collaboration with Military Information Systems Department