Highway Solutions
Target customers
The main users of our highway management systems are municipalities, traffic departments, or security authorities.
OPEN MINDS TRAFFIC SYSTEMS provides different kinds of detectors to collect and store traffic data. Our well proven outstations and systems software process this information to provide both local and centrally coordinated highway control including specialized systems for tunnels.
Easily accessible data allows operators to quickly recognize problems and react appropriately. Timely and accurate travel information allows drivers to plan their trips, make reliable decisions before and during their journeys and to arrive at their destination on time and with minimum stress.

Providing better traffic flow monitoring and taking enlightened decision regarding the dissemination of text messages on the Variable message signs, dynamic speed signs, ramp meters and lane closure signs to enhance the capacity of the highway and provide a better flow by avoiding congestion reasons, and accidents.
Collecting information about black spots with repeated incidents and providing information to car drivers to reduce the speeds via dynamic speed signs and through taking several measures to reduce the possibilities of the occurrence of the incidents.
Collected data should be used for better enhancing the highway design in order to increase capacity and reduce probability of accidents.
Emergency services should be planned according to the collected incident information to provide a better response time on the highway.
Automated tolling systems with automatic classification and automated fee calculation for standard charging experience and reducing the leakage of the toll revenues.
Weigh-in-motion integrated in the tolling system should prevent excessive axle loads on the highway pavement and protect the precious infrastructure and reduce the need for redoing the pavement before a standard pavement life time.
The integrated sensors and ANPR cameras should be used to provide documented violation records for speed limit violations, wrong direction driving and restricted lane driving for certain vehicle classes like trucks driving on the left side lane.
Stopped vehicles, slow driving vehicles and pedestrian crossing in certain parts of the highway should be considered as a dangerous event that should be managed by certain highway scenarios and can be also documented as violations.
The ITS implementation should follow the logical model below where data collection devices are to be installed on distributed gantries to collect traffic data from well selected spots where traffic flow would change before and after existing highway entrances and exits as well on certain road segments where the geometric design would have some effect on the safety or possible incidents. Please see below diagram for describing the different possible sub-systems required to implement a complete ITS solution: